Resonating Echoes: Honouring Lepcha as the Beauty of Our Mother Tongue

Phurden Lepcha
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Resonating Echoes: Honouring Lepcha as the Beauty of Our Mother Tongue
The Lepcha
Picture Credit: Phurba Doma Lepcha

Lepcha, the language of our kinship and cultural delight, is a gem of linguistic legacy that we cherish. Its words flow effortlessly, with grace and beauty.

A lengthy tapestry of expression. Lepcha soars through valleys and mountains, nourishing our roots with its rhythmic delight. A language woven tightly into the fabric of history, with enchanting melodies that time cannot blot out. Lepcha tells its stories in a whisper, like a soft breeze. of historical customs and lineages. Its syllables dance, transporting memories from the past and preserving our culture for all time.

Lepcha's embrace is where we discover who we are. a tongue that speaks of our shared togetherness. It transmits our song from generation to generation. a powerful and resilient symphony of voices.

Each time a word is said, a link is created, our culture is honored, and a legacy is revealed. Our feelings are expressed in Lepcha's rhymes, creating vivid images of a full, lively universe. 

Oh Lepcha, our beloved mother tongue, you keep us connected year after year. We find comfort and joy in your sacred embrace as we celebrate the language that endures forever. Your existence is recorded in history, a demonstration of language's ability to endure. Lepcha, our history, a wonderful sight, A beautiful language that is more valuable than gold.

Aachyulay! Aachyulay! Aachyulay!🙏

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